New app feature - Change over Time

Join us as we reveal this incredible feature and discover how it can bring you one step closer to your health and wellness aspirations.

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In a world that's constantly evolving, prioritising our health and well-being has never been more important. As we all strive to lead healthier lives, make better choices, and ensure our bodies are functioning optimally, the path to understanding and optimising your health has taken an extraordinary leap forward with our latest innovation.

At Omnos, we believe that knowledge is the cornerstone of empowerment, especially when it comes to your health. Our new Change over Time (CoT) feature empowers you to take charge of your wellness journey like never before. By harnessing the capabilities of gold-standard lab tests and sophisticated tracking technology, we've created a tool that not only provides a window into your body's inner workings but also allows you to make informed decisions for a healthier, more vibrant life.

In this blog, we will delve into the revolutionary potential of CoT insights and explore how they can empower you to make proactive choices based on data-driven insights. Join us as we reveal this incredible feature and discover how it can bring you one step closer to your health and wellness aspirations.

New layout for test views vs health scores

As we were building the CoT feature, we recognised the need to make a more defined split between specific result states and the biomarkers presented in an individual test. Moving forward, you will be able to focus on the biomarkers tested within each test you buy under your orders. Clicking on any test will take you to the standard carousel, where you will be presented with the test you selected and the ability to cycle through other tests as normal. The key difference will be that you can now directly navigate from this initial page to your health score and download your raw data if you wish. When looking at your test results below, you will additionally be able to sort by A-Z and severity, providing your first point at which you can assess how these biomarkers may have changed over time. The interpreted results that draw from all functional tests, symptoms and DNA results will now exclusively be visible under your wellness score.

Change over time for data points

Each accessed biomarker now has two icons on the top left-hand corner; an arrow that takes you to a deeper explanation of the biomarker itself and a chart that will transform into a graph showing you how your biomarker has changed based on the date it has been tested. Additionally, if any biomarker is due for a re-test, this will also be noted moving forward.

Expired vs live concept

This leads us smoothly onto our next subject, and arguably one of the most crucial parts of the blog. When it comes to tracking our health and wellness, the journey is far from being static, as our bodies are constantly evolving dynamic systems that change over time. To truly harness the power of health monitoring, it's essential to comprehend not only the significance of current biomarkers but also the potential impact of their expiry on your wellness scores. Let's delve into why understanding these changes is of paramount importance!

Biomarkers serve as indicators of various physiological processes occurring within our bodies, providing insights into everything from nutrient absorption to organ function. However, some biomarkers have a finite lifespan and understanding the expiry of these biomarkers ensures what data to have the most confidence in. It is important when assessing health not to assume it has stayed the same without re-testing. By incorporating biomarker expiry into your health management process, you can be sure to be getting the most up to date advice based on your current health while still being able to compare the most up to date historic data collected.

Change over time for result states 

When examining how result states change over time, we observe the vivid display of the "live" versus "expired" concept. As explained earlier, we have identified the distinction between specific test results and interpreted results that draw upon all available data. Within the wellness score, you will find a list of various organs and bodily systems, each assigned a score in a prioritised order of importance. These areas of interest play a crucial role in determining your health and wellness scores and are directly influenced by both symptoms and result states. To access result states, biomarkers, and recommendations pertinent to a particular area of interest, simply click on it and explore the corresponding tabs. Upon reviewing the result states, you will notice similar icons in the top left-hand corner of the card, similarly as the ones as previously described for the biomarker cards. Clicking on the chart icon, as previously described mentioned earlier, will provide you with a fresh perspective displaying the chronological evolution of that result state over time.

Interpreted results involve various intricate components, leading to the emergence of a more intricate chart type when reviewing changes over time. To begin with, it's crucial to grasp how the visualisation captures the concept of "live" versus "expired." A prominently coloured line and a less prominent dashed line depict the potential shifts in results based on data within its validity period versus considering all collected data. On the Y-axis (to the left), a colour-coded graph illustrates probability and severity, while the dates are displayed vertically along the X-axis (to the right). This arrangement empowers users to assess how their results would appear if the most recent measurements of each biomarker remained accurate, even if they have now passed their expiration date. This portrayal offers the latest historical context of results, contrasting with the perspective of considering only data within its most relevant timeframe.

In theory, all live results will tend towards 0 or low probability as data approaches expiration, as depicted in the image. Additionally, vertically aligned dashed lines provide further context, indicating when changes transpire and explaining their reasons. For instance, these changes might be attributed to the expiration or update of certain data components.

Beneath the chart, the concept of data sources is illustrated, outlining the origins of data and indicating whether the associated data is live, partially expired, or entirely expired/missing. The categories encompass symptoms, genes, blood tests, elements, environmental toxins, hormones, and microbiome, each represented by solid or dashed lines. A solid line signifies that all markers relevant to that area of interest or test type are up-to-date, while a dashed line denotes that some biomarkers related to the area have expired. If no line is present, it indicates the absence of data or that all data is expired.

Lastly, a toggle is situated in the top right-hand corner of the entire page, facilitating the switch between the prominent display versions of the data in the charts and adjusting the recommendations accordingly. As mentioned earlier, you might choose to disregard expired data and, therefore, only heed recommendations based on live data. This approach can prove beneficial in streamlining long-term health strategies.

As we conclude our exploration of the remarkable world of ‘change over time’, we invite you to embark on your health journey armed with newfound knowledge and empowerment. The integration of cutting-edge technology, data-driven insights, and a user-centric approach has paved the way for a revolutionary approach to health monitoring at Omnos.

Remember, your health is not a static entity but a dynamic interplay of various factors, each leaving its mark in the form of biomarkers. Understanding the ebb and flow of these biomarkers, including their expiration, is an essential key to unlocking a deeper level of well-being management. Equipped with this knowledge, you're better prepared to respond to changes, make informed decisions, and take proactive steps towards a healthier, more vibrant life.

Whether it's the timely interventions prompted by expiring biomarkers, the confidence of accurate score interpretations, or the potential to uncover truly meaningful trends, biomarker insights are your allies on this wellness journey.

At Omnos, we're dedicated to your health and wellness, not just for today, but for the days and years to come. Our innovative layout, designed with your experience in mind, serves as a testament to our commitment to your well-being. As you navigate this exciting feature, remember that every data point, every trend, and every insight brings you closer to a more fulfilling and healthier life.

So, step forward with confidence, curiosity, and a newfound understanding of your body's remarkable story. The journey to optimal wellness is an ongoing one, and with changes over time, you're equipped to make each step count.

If you have any questions and want to know more, please contact us at

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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